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DreamBox Art represents the inspired lens through which I experience life. I was blessed with an abundance of creativity and a passion for sharing it with others. 


The focus of DreamBox Art is to create beautiful, unique artwork to light up homes, businesses and souls. Creativity is at the center of my being and sharing my design abilities is my favorite way to serve the world. I always have my ability to create whatever I'd like to see, but my skillset shines through when given the chance to design what you'd like to see. I also love to talk about my journeys and insights as a nomad in search of beauty. Inspired conversations light up my soul. 

I’ve been creating beautiful things for around 35 years now, and I am so excited to provide my hearts work with a unified goal in mind - to deliver the highest quality artwork possible tailored to your specific creative desires. 


If you would like to work with me, fill in the contact form below. I'll be looking forward to chatting with you about your unique needs. 


Would you like a quote?

For murals or window painting:

If you have a photo of your window, wall or surface, please email it to

Thanks! We will be in touch soon!

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